Dropping in very briefly to let readers know that the book officially has a cover! One with which I am extremely pleased! I am thrilled that the press was able to incorporate some of the art from the original Berkeley Bussei; and I am thrilled that their overall design evokes the feeling of the source material and the primary time period under study — mid-century, the 1950s.
I am also happy to let y’all know that the book exists on the Oxford website. And keen observers will notice that there’s even a date upon which the book will ship (May 16!), that you can pre-order it, or ask them to notify you when it’s available! This is all, as we say in academe, Extremely Good News.
It’s late on a Friday afternoon, so I don’t have the energy to say much more than the above at the moment. But expect further updates in the days, weeks, months ahead. I’ll have more to say about the book, more to say about the process of writing the book, more announcement about an official book launch (pencil in May 24 on your calendars is all I’m saying), and more direct pleas for how you can help spread the word about this book — all of which fills me with some dread because this level of drawing attention to myself feels very out of character. But, despite whatever hang-ups I have about drawing attention to myself (which is clearly a conversation best had with my therapist not my blog readers), I am super excited about this book. I am super excited about it becoming a reality. So y’all will have to just put up with my self-promotion for the remainder of 2023, because 2023 is all about The Making of American Buddhism as far as I’m concerned. (Well, this and the ALC of course. Damn. I gotta get to training!)
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